Helloooo …
As I sit in the Blue Tape Sales International Headquarters (aka my kitchen table), I am watching the snow fall outside pondering the days of yore when I’d be so flippin’ excited about calling my friends to go sledding and days off school … now I’m calling my driveway snow removal guy and pondering a snowy drive to St. Lou on Monday. “But that’s a sale day, Nanc”, I hear y’all saying. Well, EstateSales.Net is hosting a conference that many Estate Sale company owners are attending so we can kibitz, bond, swap stories and recipes and learn how we can identify and value walrus penises. Yep, missed that one last summer. Seriously?? Yes. Eeesh. Any hoo-bee-doo, pen your calendars for the next sale beginning Wednesday, April 3rd (yep, another Wed start, but they move out the 1st and close on the 5th … woohoo, let’s git-r-done!).
Thank you e-ver-y-one … we are grateful for the morning lines, the smiling faces, the helpful hands with each other, all the referrals, and your continual patronage of Blue Tape Sales. It keeps Sue busy and out of her discount stores, it helps send Paula’s 13 children (last count) to college, pays for Tina’s obsession with red lipstick (lying) and for Trish’s donations to the Blind Hamster Foundation (lying again) … but it does keep me in QuikTrip fountain bevs and that makes for one happy Captain O’ The Ship
See y’all on April 3rd!
Nancy ~