** This is an ONLINE SALE. Yes, we’d rather see your fabulous faces at the sale home, but sometimes homeowner’s timelines direct us otherwise, espesh when their move is moved up 2 weeks! We’ve been busy bees getting this outta the gate and we’re about ready!
To see full ad and pictures CLICK HERE Blue Tape Sales/Estatesales.net
** Sale home is located in Leawood, KS aroundabouts the 80-something block of Mission Road.
ONLINE SALE OPENS – Wednesday, August 12, 8:00am
ONLINE SALE ENDS – Thursday, August 13, 2:00pm
I promise it will make the buying process much easier AND should answer all your questions. Not like all your life’s questions, just sale questions … it’s still up to you to find out if the chicken or the egg came first or why some builders put flat roofs on homes. I could care about the chicken thing but daaangit, that flat roof thing baffles me.
1) Look through the photos and write down the item number(s) (top right corner of the yellow ticket) of the items you want to buy.
2) On WEDNESDAY at 8:00am, send an email to [email protected] with ONLINE SALE as the subject and include:
• Name and cell phone number
• Include ITEM # and ITEM DESCRIPTION of any/all items you want to buy
• You will be notified only if you are the ‘winner’ of item(s) – pick up and payment will be discussed at that time
• Face masks (covering nose and mouth) are required when entering the sale home for pickup**
We have done our Blue Tape best to give you the most accurate descriptions and point out any flaws we see. Let’s all remember that e-ver-y-thing in this home/sale is pre-owned, used, pre-sat on, eaten on, worn and loved by their owners so let’s keep it real. Please text me if you have any questions about the merchandise at 913.709.9016 between the hours of 9am and 7pm, thanks!
There is no set discount for this online sale. Please feel free to send an email giving a bid offer on any of the items listed but please remember, please, much like an open house estate sale, there’s a big big chance there are several people who are willing to pay the original yellow ticket price. Bids accepted Wednesday 8am – Thursday 2pm.
They say “a picture is worth a thousand words” so since I’ve already written close to that I am going to let the pictures speak for themselves and give you the Reader’s Digest version:
GREAT FURNITURE! Love when a home is full of stuff we know you’ll love – and something for every room and every body.
GREAT OUTDOOR FURNITURE! There’s still a wholelotta outdoor time left to this year and you, your family and neighbs need a place to sit whilst you sip a sauvignon and compare tomato plant bounty, your addiction to Dot’s Pretzels (is it just me??), swap referrals for home improvements and spend more time trying to convince your peeps the many reasons why Aldi rocks.
THOSE RUGS! Having net searched and retail shopped for rugs last year, I know how one’s head can spin with what can be spent on those buggers soooo, check them out. You may find a bit of my drool on the Sphinx Huntley … google it. And totes kidding about the drool.
THAT LG WASHER and DRYER combo – So new that it’s almost like you ordered it in January and it just made a pit stop at our homeowner’s home so you get a big fat discount. If you don’t need one, certainly tell your friends!
NICE LAWN CARE EQUIPMENT! Who doesn’t love and adore Stihl and Echo and for those of you whose lawn is bigger than a Brookside postage stamp, you’re in luck with that Toro riding mower!
THAT VECTOR HOME GYM – seriously, you can’t get a more comprehensive overall workout that with this set up … unless a handsome instructor guy named Sven came with it. But since it doesn’t, you get the Vector poster
The home décor is fun, the artwork FUNNER, the kitchen stuff is nice and practical, and few other fun finds for good measure.
Barb is tapping her fingers patiently waiting for me to get this to her as I promised “mid morning” (ooops, thanks, Barb!!).
•Again, please text if you have any questions about the merchandise.
• BE CERTAIN you want an item before you send us an email.
• Pickup days will vary by e-ver-y-thing must be out of the home by Saturday at noon.
Doing our best to do our best,
Nancy and just the most aMAAAZing Blue Tape A Team Evahhhh