Am a little misty over the Lebovitz sale … when I met with them for the final review, their son presented me with a bright sparkly eagle belt buckle. It meant so much to the family and therefore, means a great deal to me. I continue to be one lucky bug.
3511 West 93rd Street, Leawood Kansas
** just a few shrubs East of Mission Road (backs up to Cure’ of Ars parking lot ~ now ya know where we are …)
MONDAY ………………………….. 7:30a – 4p
25% off from 3-4p
TUESDAY ………………………… 8a-1p @ 50% off
Such a cool deal when the family of peeps with whom I grew up call and ask if we can coordinate their sale. Makes me feel good to know that they trust me, that they have confidence in Blue Tape annnnd that they don’t remember that I TP’d their home in the ’70’s. Boo-yah! Kidding … they truly are a fabulous family and it’s a terrific sale:
We have a like-new (seriously) 3-cushion conversation sofa in neutral wheat tone, a striped 3-cush sofa with matching loveseat, a very nice Queen size mattress set, marble-top coffee table, Alan White and Cochran upholstered chairs, a beautiful 1930’s carved dark wood refractory dining table/6 chairs with matching credenza/buffet, small secretary …
a white painted Duncan Phyfe dropleaf table with 4 chairs (chic, with a hint o’ shabby), pair of Waterford lamps, a most-excellent sage colored upholstered recliner with rattan sides, 4 brown leather barstools, 4 metal-base/upholstered seats barstools, an older – but highly functioning – Maytag washer/dryer set, antique vanity with mirror …
3 boxes full of vintage state maps, several large wall mirrors, a fun (professionally) painted wardrobe, lots of framed artwork including a large angel print purchased at The Vatican, many antique end tables, 4 great condition vintage steamer trunks, antique chest of drawers, nice selection of decorative pillows and floor lamps …
an “oh-that’s-cool!” 7.5′ long x 14″ high wood bench, vintage linens, wall full o’ books, 2 wheelbarrows, a Kenmore garage fridge, dehumidifier, 3 ladders, (display?) drawers to an old desk, good selection of floral miscellany (stems/wreaths/with vases/faux plants), nice home decor and an (almost!) brand spanking new Oreck vacuum …
and realllly nice women’s clothing (sm-med), some handbags, and then ya got yer tools and garage stuff. You know the drill. Oh, a several pieces of yard-art lovies in the front flower bed
Please remember that all items have to be picked up by 1pm Tuesday, please remember we do not (repeating) we do not move furniture, please check for pictures, please check the oil in your car, please check in with your mom
Now go do something fun outside! Well, unless you’re reading this between midnight and 4am … in that case, go to bed.
Bye-bye, buttercups ~
Nancy ~
and the best broads in the biz …
Tina, Paula, Sue, Trish, Diane and Carole

— where will you put this? under the window in your front room? sunroom filled with plants? kid’s playroom? office?