Well slap my knee and call me Surprised …. the fun of this sale came outta nowhere! What started out as a partial cleanout morphed into a most awesomely splendid SALE!
We have some nice furniture, but not a lot as the home is p.a.c.k.e.d. with smAlls … sweet Mother, do we have the smalls. So therefore, heretofore this sale notice will have lotsa generalizations and not as lengthy, but know as sure as the sun rises in the east and QuikTrip has the bessst soda fountain in the west, this is a full-fun sale!!
1208 West 67th Street Kansas City, MO
** btw Ward Parkway & State Line, though a Frisbee toss from Ward Parkway 🙂
MONDAY …………………….. 7:30am – 4pm
** 3-4 @ 25% off
TUESDAY ……………………. 8am – 1pm @ 50% off
Let’s start with an ab-fab 6′ long metal mustard-colored sleigh-daybed/porch lounger, pair of wood/rush seat chairs, pair of aDORable caned back green upholstered seat chairs in great condition, 9-drawer lingerie chest, a beautiful black Baker marble-top wall table/cab, hall/wall table with lift-top expandable table, 2 other dining tables w leaves, many end and coffee tables …
niiiice selection of sterling silver, many pieces of antique Chinese porcelains, 2 antique Mah Jongg sets (one from the ’20’s!), beautiful art glass/metal table lamp, other unique old lamps, a large Paillard 10-song music box, BOOOOOKS!, 2 boxes of old postcards, a large rack of fun vintage/retro clothing, LOTS of blue/white (incl Delft), Russel Wright pitcher, vintage sports pennants (heard of the KC Athletics, hmmm?) …
a grrrreat selection of old toys/puzzles/games lalala incl Hopalong Cassidy, Cadeco, Tuco, Playskool, Milton Bradley, Mattel, Lesney, … ’60’s baseball mitts/2 ’60’s football helmuts, antique Hans Brinker-esque ice skates with wood blade guards, springy rocking horse (with one eye, bummer.), ’40’s Rawlings punching bag, old hat boxes. vintage holiday ornaments (the shiny-pretty ones!), 3 pumpkin pinatas …
a ‘just-outta-the-box’ (and we have the box!) PRO-FORM Treadmill ZT3 treadmill, 2 heavy iron antique floor grates, a few old suitcases, cool random wood and metal chests/boxes/trunks, a good selection of copper ~ pots, bins, decor ~ old paper including a few boxes full of ‘1960’s plus Architectural Digest and House Beautiful (homeowner was a decorator), some old calendars, a tall homemade wood gift-wrap station, 2 older Kutani Foo dogs …
and because she was a decorator, we have fabric … yessireeBob, we have the fabric … we have over 70 large bundles of large fabric samples and close to 50 partial (a few full) bolts of fabric (quilters, doll clothes makers, pillow creators …), some tile samples and 2 older sewing machines … and tables and a lonnng attic FULL of smalls!
Ok, ooops … it was still a long notice 🙂
Please note that the family is still living in the home so please stay in the front yard/driveway until the sale begins (thanks!), we do not provide movers (though can provide referrals), and remember, cash is not only accepted it is celebrated and checks accepted upon approval and keys to the Lexus 🙂 Oh, and check out the pics on bluetapesales.com!
To say the least, y’all are the most,
and your buddies, your pals,
Tina, Paula, Sue, Trish, Diane and Carole 🙂

— Have had a few of these lately … what is the proper term for a sofa/wall table where the top lifts and folds out to make a full size table? So cool and practical!

— The first opening of the attic and it goes as far as the eye can see … past the second door … fyi, it’s a slanted roof allll the way so ya may leave the sale walking tilted as we did 🙂

— love looking through magazines from the ’60’s and we have lots of Architectural Digests. This one shows off Jack Lemmon’s Office … just fun 🙂