Holy Schamoly and YowzaROOO, THIS is such a FUN Sale!! Mid-cent Mod meets Traditional meets Retro meets Chinese carved wood antique …
Buckle up and BE THERE!
11112 Belleview Kansas City, MO
** off of State Line, go East 2 blocks and veer/turn right on Belleview. Childsplay 🙂
MONDAY ………………… 7:30a – 5p
TUESDAY ……………….. 8a – 11a @ 25% off and
11a – 2p @ 50% off
(and read thru the whole thing, skimmers, cuz there’s good stuff in every paragraph!)
Alrighty, we have a 19th Century Chinese wood carved bench, pair of Wassily leather/chrome chairs, a sleeeek (Barbie-home-esque) blue couch, mid cent dining table/4 chairs/1 leaf and double-side hutch, 4 matching retro green iron base w yellow seats/backs, cream leather couch and loveseat, Hickorybrand chest and dresser in fab condition, a beautiful Judaic enameled plaque …
TWO sets of sterling flatware, lotsa other sterling inc serv pcs/loose pcs/ a 2 pc carving set/sterling jewelry inc a large stunning sterling/turquoise Squashblossom Indian necklace, sterling and stone bracelets, an exquisite gold/cameo pin, coins incl many sterling coins … silver dollars, Roosevelt and uncirculated dimes, anda can full o’ (wave the) wheat pennies and a bag o’ foreign coins complete with an Australian dollar (holy dooley!) …
a nice pillowtop Q mattress set, nice K and full also, an Engineers/Artists flat file metal 5-drawer 5’x4′ cabinet, many pcs vintage luggage, grrreat selection of vintage glassware (some signed), large selection of gold rimmed bev glasses (wine, water, champ, sherbert etc), several sets of china (incl Haviland), a 3-stack Globe Wernicke Law Library bookshelf set (and one other with no glass), a darling settee …
antique Mah Jongg set in box, Franciscan pastel dishes, old Schwinn adult bike, an large old Bell System Disaster First Aid Kit wood box, several cedar chests, antique baseball catcher’s mask, 2 vintage sewing machines (White and Singer), 2 wood Flexible Flyer sleds, old golf clubs, 3 pc retro green iron outdoor sectional w pads, 2 larrrge glass pedestal punchbowls w cups, a goldtone Community flatware set in box …
white wrought iron round table w 3 chairs (4 actually, but one has a seat issue), a concrete pagoda on pedastal – approx 5′ tall, 2 black wr iron rockers, a nice Weber charcoal grill with attach. side table, retro redwood lounger ~ double seat w center table and side table, set of 6 outdoor mesh chairs, set of vintage Samsonite cardtable chairs, newer basic Kenmore washer/dryer (elec), leather rocker/recliner, Thomasville bar cabinet …
antique CONN saxaphone in case, an RCA Victor flip-down Auto turntable, Hoover vac, unique/interesting framed artwork, many sets of dishes, pots & pans, contemporary glass top/sides coffee table, many other small chests and end tables, 2 vintage furs, stole and a fur hat that, to remind you from whence it came, has two itty-bitty paws atop … if that won’t flash you back to your parents going out for a night on the town in the ’60’s, nothin’ will.
Other sale deets: please (oh please) do not park in front of the sale home or neighbor’s driveways, remember that we do not have movers available, so if you buy a biggie you must bring your own movers, valuables not in home until sale day, front door entry, life is good, Sales are fun and yous guys are simply the best 🙂
peaceout until Monday mon amis ~
and the Wizards of the Sale World,
Tina, Paula, Sue, Trish and Diane

— Globe Wernicke 3-stacker Law Library … on the right is another, but is sold seperately as it has no glass 🙁

— on left, one of the 2 secretaries .. on right, on of the credenzas and a pair of the cutEST lamps e-ver.

— stunning hutch, really. in the background is the leather couch you’ll be napping on by next weekend …

— call the family for dinner on this Ethan Allen-esque round table/1 leaf and SIX spindle=back chairs …

— the possibilities are endless with this huge Safeco Engineer blueprint flat drawer cabinet …. artists?

— we have several retro Architectural magazines … love the ads … are you mid cent peeps drooling? And check out the details … the cigarettes layed out on both tables … such a different era 🙂

— just a sampling of the jewelry (sterling and gold) … also TWO sets of sterling flatware, many other pieces as well 🙂
Here is a map of the sale!