Y’all know of the Doublemint Twins and Dubble-Bubble, have played a Double-Deuce, have worn a Double-Breasted jacket (tho hopefully not lately) and some of you know about (or are!) Double Trouble 🙂 … Well, let me introduce you to Blue Tape’s Double-Header SALES this Monday & Tuesday (August 12 & 13). Two homes, two sales on the same two days … JUST off Lowell full of stuff … Please note the staggered start times so that you’re in the right line at the right time! (Ad description for the other sale follows.)
7709 West 98th Terrace Overland Park KS
** just east of Lowell on 98th Terrace
MONDAY  ……………………. 7:30am to 4pm
                                               ** 3-4 @ 25% off
TUESDAYÂ Â ……………………Â 8am to noon @ 50% off
A light tan leather 3-cush couch, pair of sloped-arm upholstered barrel chairs, kitchen table w 2 chairs and wood bench, dining table and hutch, way-awesome 1800’s slender gate-leg sofa/wall table, cream loveseat, white wicker chest/mirror/armchair/corner shelf, Sumter 5-drawer chest, full antique bed w match 6 drawer dresser/mirror …
a 52 pc Sterling flatware set in wood box, 2 sets of nice vintage flatware, nice ’70’s Nativity set, vintage Castleton china (Laurel/8 pl sets), 6′ tall lighted curio, old Westinghouse radio, nice Bride’s Basket, Longabergers, upright freezer, good selection of end/coffee tables, blue/grey Pfaltzgraff dishes, lots of silverplate serving pcs …
1969 (unopened) McCormick CHIEFS Whiskey Decanter, Royal Doulton Simple Simon Character mug, 2 S. Plate tea sets, Hinote pewter figurines, Hummels, Beswick, Waterford golf club head paperweight, books, thimble collection, a vintage Big 10 Football board game that the homeowner created forever ago, older inversion table …
tool bench fulla hand and power tools ~ Craftsman, Ryobi sander, B/D 5″ bench grinder, Husky, 5 old reels andabout 17-ish old lures, 8-tracks incl The Wayne Newton’s Danke Schoen (you’re welcome.), men’s vintage ties, 3 large Santas and boxed Dept. 56, 100 patterns, some fun retro kitchen stuff and an antique (inoperable) Marlin gun …
and some relatively well-preserved newspapers with headlines about Gerald Ford swearing, that 1969 Moon-thing, Nixon and his shenanigans and advertisements depicting snappy pantsuit collections from Adler’s that will “Add An Aura of Elegance To Your Wardrobe”. Who of us, I ask, couldn’t stand to be a l’il fashion-forward …

— cute green desk and solid white wicker chest with matching mirror so you can see how fab your hair looks … or make sure you don’t have spinach in your teeth 🙂

— love this table … made by a family ancestor ~ gate leg slender wall/sofa table … ’70’s Nativity set