November 26-27, 2012

Posted by on Nov 24, 2012 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Cedar Creek.  Cedar Creek has big homes.  Big homes have a lotta rooms.  A lotta rooms hold a whole lotta stuff.  Oohhhhh baby.
** Please note that this sale begins at 9am (not 7:30am) as the parking is kinda funky and we want the neighbor homeowner’s to get their happy selves to work before the whacky begins.  We’re nothin’ but thoughtful here at Blue Tape International Headquarters.

26615 West 103 Street, Olathe KS  66061 ~ Cedar Creek Subdivision
( justalettin’ ya know, it takes me between 12 and 14 minutes to get to this home from 103rd and Roe, so “that’s toooo faaaar” does not hold water, it won’t fly and that is indeed NOT a huntin’ dog … meaning, there is no reason for y’all not be at this fa-bulous sale!)
* Take 435 W to Hwy 10 W to the Cedar Creek Parkway exit
* Go left on Cedar Creek to the first stop sign (W. Valley Parkway) and take a right.
* Take W. Valley Parkway a few blocks down to S. Shadow Circle and go left
* Take S. Shadow Circle to Greentree and go left to 103rd Street … only a few parking spots on 103rd, so park on Greentree.

MONDAY (11/26)  …………………..  9AM TO 4PM
TUESDAY (11/27)……………………  8AM TO 2PM at 50% off

This sale is mix of golf enthusiast meets home decor heaven meets hunting guy meets tool extravaganza meets smalls ALL over the place meets Blue Tape pricing … if Santa is getting you a 9′ pool table, he should get this one ~ nice Brunswick Medalist (model FB) with cues, 2 excellent condition Heirloom cream 3-cushion couches, a Chickering Baby Grand piano, pair of Bose speakers, Dalton’s couch, 4′ tall-5′ wide heavy iron base wall table, 3 other wall tables, wood benches, a Dyna-Kiln (model R49 1200 watts), antique Brandt Cashier, 5 sets of golf clubs, new grips new and “pre-cursed at” golf balls, ball retrievers, WREATHS … 12″ to 4 footers, garland, lights, cool plant stands, URNS ~ little to big momma 4′ tall decorative urns, older Necchi sewing machine, some material and sewing notions, art supply miscellany, a ton o’ picture frames (small and LARGE), books, nice office chairs, stereo equipment, SNUGGIES (the blankety ones, not the ones that hurt), National Geographic globe on stand …

(take a sip of coffee …)

Some older duck calls, huge Sony Vega TV, niccce condition Schwinn Airdyne, Med-Track treadmill, Metz dresser/console, room dividers, variety of rugs incl an old oriental, framed artwork incl 2 oils (one larrrrge o’er the fireplace), down comforters, bed linen sets, decorative pillows, luggage ga-lore, antique oak secretary, older Maytag washer/dryer, Noritake Solemn Emerald china, BASKETS ~ holy crud are there baskets … the really nice kind so def worth mentioning, 1865 hotwater kettle, lotsa pottery, nicer rattan furniture, large decorative chargers and plates, vintage tins, travel golf bags, lots of shotgun shells in boxes, 2 military artillery metal cases, pots/pans/serving dishes, belt sander old and newer tools, wheel sander/buffer thing, Black & Decker Mouse sander, power washer, 2 gun cleaners, some hunting jackets/vests, 3 vintage 3′ long wood tool caddies, lotsa shovels and other lawn stuff, metal garden cart, ladders, wheelbarrow, new Natural Air machine, many outdoor pots/planters, pair of darrrling wrought iron chairs and 2 smaller wrought iron tables, a wood seat/figurine iron back bench, occasional chairs, wingback … man, it. just. goes. on. and. on.

PLEASE NOTE:  Front door entry.  This home is on a gated street, but gate will remain open during the sale, with very limited parking on that home street.  Parking is available on Greentree, though pleeeez pay attention to the No Parking signs as Cedar Creek was very specific as to where they would allow cars to park and have the authority to shut the sale down like a brothel in Utah.  Because there is soooo much stuff in this home, we will have 2 Hold Areas; one in the front room kinda by checkout and another in the garage where, after you gather your treasures and nuts, we will write up a ticket for you to take to checkout then you may come back to the garage to retrieve your goodies.  Please be patient and know that your happiness is second only to Sue’s job satisfaction, heehee.

I hope that you’ve all enjoyed an exceptional Thanksgiving holiday … I hope that the food was plentiful and that someone brought your fav sidedish (cheesy corn!) … I hope that during this season ~ and every day ~ you take the time to be grateful;  for family, for cars that run and friends that hug – for grace given and received, for dirty plates bc it represents food on your table, for QuikTrip fountain drinks, and clean socks … know that we are grateful and blessed by your continued support of Blue Tape Sales 🙂

Over and out from PV ~

Nancy Anne  &  Tina Louise
and the A Team in whom we give Thanks for Giving so much,
Sue, Paula, Trish, & Diane

Here is a map of the sale!
